Configuring for Helcim.js

Now that you have decided on how you want to implement Helcim.js in your website or application, it’s time to configure your Helcim account to facilitate your integration.

Review the following documentation for a step by step guide on how to create these configurations in your Helcim accounts Integrations section.

Create a new Helcim.js Configuration

All implementations of Helcim.js will require a Helcim.js Configuration in order to work.

Create a new API Access Configuration

If you are combining a Helcim.js Card Verify or Card Pre-Authorization, with the Purchase or Capture endpoints in the Payment API, then you will also require an API Access Configuration for your Payment API requests.

Enabling reCaptcha for Helcim.js

Help protect your Helcim.js integration from malicious activity such as card testing, by enabling Google reCaptcha V3 for your Helcim.js.

Utilizing Amount Hashing for Helcim.js

When using Helcim.js to process Purchase transactions, we recommend enabling Amount Hashing to ensure that the transaction amount is not modified through the web browser or with POST manipulation.