Errors and Error Handling

Common API Errors

Error MessageStatusDescription
Empty response404The Get invoices API endpoint will respond with an empty array if the query parameters provided in the request do not locate any matching Invoice data in your Helcim account. Confirm your query parameters are correct before attempting your request again.
Invoice number already existed400The Create invoice API endpoint will respond with an "Invoice number already existed" error message if the invoiceNumber provided in the request already exists in your Helcim account. Please change your invoice number before trying the request again.
Missing required data400The Create invoice API endpoint will respond with a "Missing required data" error message when a data object required for your request is missed. This error can be triggered by a range of required data objects being missing from your request and the errors object will outline what data object is missing. Include the missing required data before trying the request again.
Invalid line items400The Create invoice API endpoint requires you to provide valid line items in the form of an array of objects. If no lineItems are provided in the request you will receive an "Invalid line items" response from the API. Add your line items before attempting your request again.