
Manage your recurring payments using procedure endpoints.

A procedure allows you to complete unique actions that assist in managing subscriptions created through the Recurring API.

Process a Subscription Payment

While all one-time and recurring charges for subscribers are automated and processed during object creation or on scheduled billing dates, there are situations where a payment may be declined.

The Process a subscription payment procedure will allow you to try a failed payment again and should be actioned after correcting the cause of the original failure, such as changing default banking or updating credit card details for the customer

Locating Failed Payments

Payments are a sub-object of the subscription that processed the payment. Subscribers with declined payments will contain a hasFailedPayments parameter with a value greater than 0.

  • Use the Get subscriptions collection to retrieve all subscription objects with failed payments
  • Take the id and then retrieve the individual object through Get subscription endpoint and include subObjects to retrieve the payment number
  • Process the payment with the subscriptionId and the paymentNumber
  • Requires a single request for each payment you are attempting to process

The recurring paymentNumber for the subscription payment that has failed can be found by retrieving the associated subscription object through the Get subscription endpoint by using the subscriptionId and passing includeSubObjects=true in the request.

Payment Statuses

All payments contain a status parameter that identifies whether that payment has been processed and the outcome of that payment attempt, or whether that payment has been queued to process on a future date.


A payment with a status of approved or waiting cannot be processed through this procedure endpoint and will decline if attempted

approvedApproved payments are payments that have been processed successfully.
declinedDeclined payments are payments that have been attempted but failed due to a "soft" decline reason, such as insufficient funds. that have been attempted.

Attempt these payments again using the Process a subscription payment procedure endpoint. If declines persist you should connect with your customer to obtain updated payment information.
failedFailed payments are payments that have been attempted but failed due to a "hard" decline reason, such as invalid card data, invalid subscription data, or expired cards.

Update the customers billing information before attempting these payments again using the Process a subscription payment procedure endpoint.
waitingWaiting payments that are queued for future dates. These payments will have a dateProcessed of "0000-00-00 00:00:00".


API Reference

Review the Process a subscription payment API Reference to see the required header and body parameters for requests to this endpoint.