Testing In-Person Declined Transactions

Test potential decline responses returned by Helcim Smart Terminal API endpoints.

When a transaction attempt is declined by the issuing bank, the Helcim Smart Terminal API will return a declined payment via the Card Transaction webhook events.

Declined card transactions can be simulated in a test environment through the Smart Terminal when using a Helcim test account. This is done by sending final transaction amounts (inclusive of taxes, tips, fee saver amount) with specific decimal ranges to simulate possible decline reasons. The table below shows some of the decline codes that you can generate.


Developer Test Accounts

If you do not currently have access to a Helcim developer test account for your Smart Terminal API integration, please review our documentation here to get started.

Decline Codes

Decline responses can be triggered by processing a payment with a specific transaction decimal amount.

We suggest a general catch all function for the majority of potential decline reasons, with a recommendation to the user of trying a different card or payment method. Many transaction declines can only reasonably be resolved by the end user connecting with their issuing bank for more information.

Showing more granular decline reasoning is only recommended where a change in user behaviour may result in a different transaction outcome if attempted a second time, such as incorrect PIN.

Payment responseTransaction amount ending in
Approved.00 - .50
"Transaction Declined: PICK UP CARD - Pick up card".51
"Transaction Declined: INCORRECT PIN".52
"Transaction Declined: AMOUNT ERROR - Tran Amount Error".53
"Transaction Declined: EXPIRED CARD - Expired Card".54
"Transaction Declined: DECLINED - Do Not Honor".55
"Transaction Declined: CALL AUTH. CENTER - Refer to Issuer".56
"Transaction Declined: SERV NOT ALLOWED - Invalid request".57
"Transaction Declined: AMT OVER SVC LMT - Amount is more than established service limit".58
"Transaction Declined: INVALID CARD - Invalid Card".59
"Transaction Declined: INVALID CAVV - Invalid Cardholder Authentication Verification Value".60
"Transaction Declined: INVALID TERM ID - Invalid Terminal ID".61
"Transaction Declined: NETWORK ERROR - General System Error".62
"Transaction Declined: PLEASE RETRY - Please Retry/Reenter Transaction".63
"Transaction Declined: REQ. EXCEEDS BAL. - Req. exceeds balance".64
"Transaction Declined: GENERIC DECLINE".65 - .99