API message format
The Helcim API consumes requests in JSON with all required information in the request header and body and returns a JSON object as a response.
When a successful connection is established, a standard status 200 HTTP code will be returned for successful requests. You should not assume that a status 200 code indicates that the requested action was successfully performed; instead you should refer to the response
object for more information on the outcome of the request.
Request header
Only authorized users may submit requests to Helcim API endpoints. In order to authenticate with our service, send your api-token
in the header of your request and ensure that the permissions for your respective API Access Configuration allow for the request you are making.
- Request headers should also include
parameters set to'application/json'
. - Requests sent to Payment API endpoints also require an
value to be sent.
headers: {
accept: 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'api-token': 'YOUR_API_TOKEN'
Request body
Body parameters should be sent in your request in JSON format. Each respective endpoint has unique required and optional body parameters to be sent in your request.
Review our API reference documentation to see what information is required for the endpoint that you are calling, or review the specific API guides for more detailed information about specific requests.
The API will return a response as a JSON object for your website or application to consume, with relevant data objects or an errors
object that outlines any errors that occurred. Some possible response types from the API include:
- A single object
- A transaction response object
- An array of objects
- An array of errors
// Example transaction response object
"transactionId": 25557533,
"dateCreated": "2024-05-13 12:49:06",
"cardBatchId": 3559552,
"status": "APPROVAL",
"user": "Helcim System",
"type": "purchase",
"amount": 100.99,
"currency": "CAD",
"avsResponse": "X",
"cvvResponse": "",
"cardType": "MC",
"approvalCode": "T7E8ST",
"cardToken": "2f7c46a9aa15c52da72380",
"cardNumber": "5454545454",
"cardHolderName": "John Doe",
"customerCode": "CST1035",
"invoiceNumber": "INV1263",
"warning": ""
HTTP response codes
The Helcim API will return a response code appropriate to the outcome of the request and will follow REST best practices when it comes to HTTP response codes.
HTTP Status Code | Message | Description |
200 | Ok | The request succeeded. This response is a generic response for successful requests, including getting or updating a resource. |
201 | Created | A new resource was successfully created and is typically provided in response to a POST request to create a new resource. |
202 | Accepted | The request has been received but not yet acted upon and is returned when a request is queued for later processing. |
204 | No Content | The request was successful, but the Helcim API has no data to respond with, such as when a resource is successfully deleted. |
400 | Bad Request | The server cannot process your request. The JSON response will contain the desired information requested, or an error with the structure of the API request (such as missing or invalid request fields). |
401 | Unauthorized | There are missing or invalid credentials in the request. Either no API token was provided, or an incorrect API token was provided, such as providing a legacy token for a V2 endpoint. |
403 | Forbidden | The given credentials are not permitted for this action. The permissions associated with the API token do not allow for the requested action and should be updated before resending the request. |
405 | Method Not Allowed | The resource or action exists, but is not supported with the given request method, such as attempting to delete a resource that does not allow for this. |
409 | Conflict | The request received conflicts with a previous request accepted by the API, often caused by an idempotency key that has been assigned to an existing successful transaction. |
429 | Too Many Requests | The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. For more information on rate limiting, review our Rate Limits documentation. |
500 | Internal Server Error | A fatal error in logic has impacted the ability of the API to provide a well structured response. Internal server errors can be reported to Helcim support for further investigation. |
522 | Service Unavailable | Services are down, impacting our ability to provide a response at this time. |
Updated 2 months ago