Invoice API

The Invoice API will enable you to create, retrieve and update Invoice objects in the Helcim system. Endpoints include:

  • Create invoice
  • Get invoice
  • Get invoices
  • Update invoice

The following documentation will provide more information on the required parameters for these requests, as well as outline any nuances that developers should be aware of for specific endpoints.

Invoice API Endpoints

Create invoice

The Create invoice endpoint can be used to create a new Invoice object in the Helcim system that can be linked to transactions through the Payment API, HelcimPay, or Helcim.js.

Alternatively Invoices created through this endpoint can also be managed directly within your Helcim account and paid through the Virtual Terminal, have a Pay Now email sent, or be set to recurring.

  • Include billingAddress, shipping, pickup, tax, or discount objects to add additional detail to your invoices
  • An Invoice can be linked to an existing Customer object by including the customerId value for that customer.
    • Existing billing and shipping information would need to be passed to the Invoice object as these values will not be retrieved and added automatically if they exist.
  • The amount of an Invoice is calculated automatically by the Helcim system based on the array of lineItems objects that can be included to provide a more itemized Invoice of your products and services.
  • The sku value for objects included in the lineItems array should only be included if the product or service exists within your Helcim account already, otherwise this should be omitted from your request.

Get invoice

The Get invoice endpoint can be used to retrieve a single Invoice object from the Helcim system based on the invoiceId value. The invoiceId is found in the object returned by the responses from the Create invoice and Get invoices endpoints.

Get invoices

The Get invoices endpoint can be used to return up to 100 most recent invoices if no dateStart and dateEnd query parameters are included.

  • The dateStart and dateEnd parameters will return up to 100 most recent invoices created within the provided date range.


Transaction Information

The Invoice API will not return associated transactions for invoices that have been partially or fully paid. The Card Transaction API can be used to pull transaction details with the invoiceNumber as a query parameter to verify transaction details for specific invoices.

Update invoice

The Update invoice endpoint can be used to update existing Invoice objects within the Helcim system based on the invoiceId parameter. The invoiceId is found in the object returned by the responses from the Create invoice and Get invoices endpoints.


Request Type

It is important to note that this is a PUT request, not a PATCH request. For this reason any existing values you would like to retain should be included in your update request.