Overview of Helcim API

You can use the Helcim API to integrate payments and other aspects of the Helcim system into your application or website. The API can also be used to get, create, or modify a large number of data objects beyond payments, including customers, card batches, invoices, and transactions.

The Helcim API is grouped into several subcategories as outlined in our API reference documentation. Each of these have a different use case and allow you to execute different functions in the Helcim system.

  • The Payment API endpoints enable merchants to process credit card or ACH withdrawal payments through their website or application. Payment types include, Purchase, Preauthorization, Capture, Verify, Refund, Reverse, and Withdraw.

  • The Invoice API endpoints enable merchants to create, view, and update invoices. API functions include Get invoice, Get invoices, Create invoice and Update invoice.

  • The Card Batch API endpoints enable merchants to view and settle their Credit Card Batches. API functions include Get Card Batches, Get Card Batch, and Settle an Open Card Batch.

  • The Card Transaction API endpoints enable merchants to view previous payment transactions. API functions include Collects up to 1000 Card Transactions and Get Card Transaction by id.

  • The Customer API endpoints enable merchants to create, view and update customers and view and modify customer payment information. API functions include Get customer and Get customers, Create customer, Update customer, as well as functions to get existing card and bank account information linked to customer objects.

  • Let's get started!

API code behind a customer credit card

Technical Overview

The newest version of the Helcim API brings our API endpoints up to a modern RESTful standard that is familiar to developers.

When using the Helcim API there are some important technical points to take into consideration. Outlined below we'll cover some of these points and where appropriate we will link to relevant documentation to help you integrate with Helcim smoothly.

  • Only requests authenticated by a valid Helcim API token will be accepted by any Helcim API endpoint.
  • The Helcim API will only accept requests sent from your website or applications secure backend server.
  • The Helcim API only accepts requests, and returns responses, as a JSON object.
  • Requests to the Helcim API are subject to rate limiting to ensure safe and consistent traffic.
  • The Helcim Payment API will require you to create and send idempotency keys.

Required Header Parameters

  • api-token: All API endpoints require a valid 'api-token' to be sent in the header of the request to authenticate with the API, in addition to accept and 'content-type'values set to 'application/json'.
require header parameters code
  • 'idempotency-key': In addition to the header parameters required for all Helcim API requests, the Payment API endpoints also require an 'idempotency-key' value be passed in the header of the request to protect against duplicate transactions should you lose connection before receiving a response from the API.

Review our documentation for information on Idempotency Keys and how to implement these in your integration.