
Subscribe customers to your payment plans.

The subscription object

A subscription object represents a subscribers unique subscription to a payment plan. A single subscriber can be subscribed to multiple different payment plans and can even have multiple subscriptions to the same payment plan.

The subscription stores a number of core attributes to apply to that subscribers unique subscription to a plan, including:

  • Subscription information such as recurring amount for that subscription and the customer that subscription is for.
  • Subscription schedule information such as the number of billing cycles that subscriber will be charged and when their subscription will activate.
  • Payment method information that determines whether the subscriber will pay using their default credit card or default ACH bank payment details.
  • Payments and add-ons sub-objects for each payment processed or add-on linked for the subscription, returned in an array.
// Example susbcription object

  "id": 19980,
  "dateCreated": "2024-10-07 14:27:02",
  "dateUpdated": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
  "dateActivated": "2024-10-07",
  "dateBilling": "2024-10-08",
  "status": "active",
  "paymentPlanId": 6395,
  "customerCode": "CST1044",
  "timesBilled": 1,
  "recurringAmount": 75,
  "freeTrialPeriod": 0,
  "hasFailedPayments": "no",
  "payments": [
      "id": 90116,
      "setupAmount": 0,
      "recurringAmount": 75,
      "addOnAmount": 25,
      "amount": 75,
      "taxAmount": 5,
      "status": "approved",
      "dateDue": "2024-10-07 00:00:00",
      "dateProcessed": "2024-10-07 14:27:03",
      "paymentNumber": 1,
      "numberOfRetries": 0
      "id": 90117,
      "setupAmount": 0,
      "recurringAmount": 0,
      "addOnAmount": 0,
      "amount": 75,
      "taxAmount": 0,
      "status": "waiting",
      "dateDue": "2024-10-08 00:00:00",
      "dateProcessed": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
      "paymentNumber": 2,
      "numberOfRetries": 0
  "subscriptionAddOns": [
      "addOnId": 429,
      "name": "One-Time Editable",
      "description": "One-time Editable Add-On Test",
      "amount": 25,
      "firstProcessedPaymentNumber": 1,
      "lastProcessedPaymentNumber": 1,
      "isActive": 0,
      "frequency": "one_time",
      "quantity": 1

Subscribers payments

All subscription objects will store processed and waiting payments in the payments sub-object. Depending on the setup of your payment plans and subscribers, you may have a combination of one or more processed and waiting payments stored in your subscription object at any given time.

Once the subscription runs on its billing date and processes a transaction, we create a transaction object that is independent of the subscription and it's payment sub-object.

A payment will be processed either immediately or on a future date, based on a combination of the type of payment plan you are subscribing the customer to and the subscriptions activation date.

When subscribing a customer to a payment plan, the Helcim system will process due payments immediately and queue up future waiting payments, based on the following rules.

  • The Helcim system will immediately bill payments where:
    • Any payment plan has a setupAmount and billSetupImmediately value of "immediate"
    • Any payment plans with a type of "subscription" to bill on sign-up, where the activationDate for the subscription is today
  • The Helcim system will queue waiting payments where:
    • Any payment plan has either no setupAmount, or a setupAmount with a billSetupImmediately value of "first_billing"
    • Any payment plans with a type of "cycle" to bill on specific days, where the dateBilling for the subscription is not today


Number of waiting payments created

The Helcim system may create all future payments or only the next future payment for a subscriber based on the following rules.

  • If the subscription has a maxCycles value, indicating it expires after a set number of cycles, the Helcim system will create all future payments as it knows in advance how many payments to create.
  • If the subscription does not have a maxCycles value, indicating it will continue indefinitely until cancelled, the Helcim system will create only the next payment as there is no known maximum number of payments to create.

Payment statuses

All payments contain a status parameter that identifies whether that payment has been processed and the outcome of that payment attempt, or whether that payment has been queued to process on a future date.




Approved payments are payments that have been processed successfully.


Declined payments are payments that have been attempted but failed due to a "soft" decline reason, such as insufficient funds. that have been attempted.

Attempt these payments again using the Process a subscription payment procedure endpoint. If declines persist you should connect with your customer to obtain updated payment information.


Failed payments are payments that have been attempted but failed due to a "hard" decline reason, such as invalid card data, invalid subscription data, or expired cards.

Update the customers billing information before attempting these payments again using the Process a subscription payment procedure endpoint.


Waiting payments that are queued for future dates. These payments will have a dateProcessed of "0000-00-00 00:00:00".

Recurring amounts

The recurringAmount parameter for a subscription plan determines the recurring amount to be charged to the customers default payment method on the billing date. This value can be different than the recurringAmount for the payment plan and is what the customer will be charged if different.

Capturing customer payment details

A subscription will always charge the subscribers default credit card or bank account in the Helcim system, depending on the payment method selected for them when setting them up as a subscriber to a payment plan.

To capture credit card or bank payment details for a new customer, or capture new payment details for an existing one, we recommend utilizing HelcimPay.js initialized with a paymentType of verify. This allows you to capture payment details in an easy and secure manner when your customer is making their plan selections through your website or application, or allow you to set new payment methods as default for future use.

To change the default between existing payment methods, for an existing subscriber, utilize the following endpoints to update the default payment for the respective customer object. Alternatively you can update the customers profile manually in the Customers section of your Helcim account.

Retrieving subscription payment details

If you're looking for more information on a subscriptions payments, or you're looking to reconcile transactions, then we have a few different endpoints available to gather the information you need and find your payment sub-objects or transaction objects.

You can call the Get subscription collection endpoint that returns all of your subscription objects. Is this object, you have a number of parameters, such as which customer it is for through customerCode, the number of times it has billed through timesBilled, and the date it bills through dateBilling.

// Example subscription object

  "id": 19849,
  "dateCreated": "2024-10-04 09:28:19",
  "dateUpdated": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
  "dateActivated": "2024-10-04",
  "dateBilling": "2025-03-06",
  "status": "active",
  "paymentPlanId": 6395,
  "customerCode": "CST1044",
  "timesBilled": 118,
  "setupAmount": 0,
  "recurringAmount": 75,
  "freeTrialPeriod": 0,
  "hasFailedPayments": "true",
  "isProrated": "no",
  "addOnsIds": [

Once you have collected your subscriptions, you can take the id and retrieve the subscription and it's payment sub-objects through the Get subscription endpoint. The payment sub-object gives you a status of the payment, the amount, and other information to verify the outcome of the payment.

// Example subscription with a payment sub-object
  "id": 19849,
  "dateCreated": "2024-10-04 09:28:19",
  "dateUpdated": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
  "dateActivated": "2024-10-04",
  "dateBilling": "2025-03-06",
  "status": "active",
  "paymentPlanId": 6395,
  "customerCode": "CST1044",
  "timesBilled": 118,
  "setupAmount": 0,
  "recurringAmount": 75,
  "freeTrialPeriod": 0,
  "hasFailedPayments": "true",
  "isProrated": "no",
  "payments": [
      "id": 89338,
      "setupAmount": 0,
      "recurringAmount": 75,
      "addOnAmount": 0,
      "amount": 75,
      "taxAmount": 3.75,
      "status": "approved",
      "dateDue": "2024-10-04 00:00:00",
      "dateProcessed": "2024-10-04 09:28:20",
      "paymentNumber": 1,
      "numberOfRetries": 0

If you need to also reconcile this with the transaction object, then you can compare a number of parameters to the transaction object in order to determine if that transaction is associated to that specific subscription and payment.

If you go to the Get card transactions endpoint you can retrieve transaction objects for the specific customer, on a specific date, then with this request you will receive the specific transaction object associated with that customer, subscription, and payment.

For credit card payments, this can be done with the customerCode, dateFrom, and dateTo parameters. For ACH payments, we do not currently have query parameters in our Get ACH transactions endpoint, so you would want to search through the returned payments looking for these values.

// Example credit card transaction object for the subscription payment
    "transactionId": 29032084,
    "dateCreated": "2024-10-04 09:28:20",
    "cardBatchId": 3999899,
    "status": "APPROVED",
    "user": "",
    "type": "purchase",
    "amount": 78.75,
    "currency": "CAD",
    "avsResponse": "X",
    "cvvResponse": "",
    "cardType": "MC",
    "approvalCode": "T1E5ST",
    "cardToken": "5823c2887463c485c2789f",
    "cardNumber": "5454545454",
    "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
    "customerCode": "CST1044",
    "invoiceNumber": "INV_SUB49",
    "warning": ""

Subscriber endpoints

Create, retrieve, update, and delete subscription objects, mark declined payments as paid, or link, update, and delete subscription add-ons using the following endpoints.

Get subscription collectionRetrieve an array of subscriptions that match a wide range of query parameters.
Patch subscriptionsPartially update one or more subscriptions.
Create subscriptionsCreate one or more subscriptions to your payment plans.
Delete subscriptionDelete a single subscription by its id.
Get subscriptionRetrieve a single subscription by its id, including any sub-objects, such as payments processed for that subscription or add-ons applied to that subscription.
Delete linked subscription add-onsDelete all linked subscription add-ons from a single subscription. This will delete the add-ons as a sub-object from the subscription, but not delete the add-on object itself. To delete an add-on object, use the Delete add-on endpoint.
Patch subscription add-onsPartially update the quantities for one or more subscription add-on sub-objects. The add-on must support quantities. To allow an add-on to support quantities, use the Patch add-ons endpoint.
Link add-ons to a subscriptionLink one or more add-ons to a subscription.
Delete a linked subscription add-onDelete a single linked subscription add-on from a single subscription. This will delete the add-on as a sub-object from the subscription, but not delete the add-on object itself. To delete an add-on object, use the Delete add-on endpoint.
Mark payment paidUpdate a single declined subscription payment to approved when payment was collected externally from the Helcim system (e.g. Cash or Cheque). To process a failed subscription payment using Credit Card or ACH payment, use the Process a subscription payment procedure endpoint.