Programmatic revenue share

Earn revenue for payments processed through your technical integrations with Helcim.

For seamless attribution of revenue share for partner transactions flowing through your API integration, you will be required to tag all transactions with a unique partner-token in the header of your requests.

The unique partner-token is crucial to ensure correct attribution of all transactions that are processed through your integration and will be used to the monthly profit share calculations at the close of every month.

The partner-token is provided at the completion of the onboarding process, post contract finalization. I

Become a Helcim integration partner

If you have not yet registered to become a partner and start earning revenue for merchants you refer to Helcim, then you can sign up through the Integration Partners page on our website to get started.

Compatible API solutions

The Integration Partner program applies exclusively to technical integrations built to select Helcim V2 API's or HelcimPay.js. To learn more about these solutions, you can review the following documentation.




Programmatic revenue share can be attributed through HelcimPay.js credit card and ACH payments by passing your partner-token in the header of requests to the following endpoint.

Payment API

Programmatic revenue share can be attributed through Payment API credit card and ACH payments by passing your partner-token in the header of requests to the following endpoints.

Smart Terminal API

Programmatic revenue share can be attributed through Smart Terminal API credit and debit card payments by passing your partner-token in the header of requests to the following endpoint.

Recurring API

Programmatic revenue share can be attributed through Recurring API credit card and ACH payments by passing your partner-token in the header of requests to the following endpoint.

Earning programmatic revenue share

Earn revenue for all payments processed through your technical integration to compatible API solutions. Simply include your partner-token in the header of all requests, along with the merchant api-token.

Adding your partner-token to your request header is critical for ensuring you receive programmatic revenue share for payments processed through your integration, as Helcim will not have the functionality to retroactively reconcile any missed transactions on account of incorrect tagging.

In addition to your unique partner-token, you will also include the api-token for the merchant you are processing on behalf of.

headers: {
 	accept: 'application/json',
 	'content-type': 'application/json',
  'partner-token': 'f29104118c0d65',
  'api-token': 'merchant_api_token'

If you would like to begin testing your integration and use of a partner-token before you have finalized your partner onboarding with our Partnerships team, then you can utilize the following test partner-token in your request headers.

// Test partner token
'partner-token': 'f29104118c0d65'

Validate your programmatic revenue share attribution

Validating that the Helcim system received your request and attributed it to your partner-token is as simple as reviewing the header of the API response that you received.

// You have successfully added the partner token to your request
'is-valid-partner-token': 1

// You have not successfully added the partner token to your request
'is-valid-partner-token': 0

If the is-valid-partner-token value is 0 and you believe that you have passed the correct partner-token in the header of your request, then please connect with your Implementation Specialist or your Partnership Specialist for further assistance.