Creating an API access configuration

Follow the instructions below to create an API Access Configuration and generate your API token.

As part of the authentication process with the Helcim API, you will need to create an API Access Configuration in your Helcim account to generate a unique api-token that can be sent in the header of all requests to the Helcim API endpoints or HelcimPay.js.

Creating your configuration

  • Log in to your Helcim account or developer test account.
  • Click on All Tools in the top left corner and then select Integrations under Merchant Tools.
  • Ensure you are on the API Access Configuration page.
  • Click New API Access to get started.
welcome to the new Helcim API screen with api access buttons
  • Enter a name for your API Access Configuration.
  • Select the appropriate Access Restrictions for your API token.
  • Click Create located on the top right of the page to save your configuration and generate your API token.

Configuring your access restrictions

Each API Access Configuration that you create can have its own restrictions. The access you select for your API Access Configuration will determine what actions and objects can be controlled through the Helcim API.

You can create and manage as many API Access Configurations as you wish, allowing you to enhance your integration security by segmenting access to different functions of transaction processing levels.

  • General: Will apply to general objects like Customers, Invoices, Products, and others
  • Settings: Will apply to settings objects like VT Settings, Customer settings, General settings, and others
  • Transaction Processing: Will apply to transaction processing through the Payment API and HelcimPay.js.
1NoneThe API token for this API Access Configuration cannot process any transaction type.
2AuthThe API token for this API Access Configuration can be used to process verify and preauth transaction types.
3Positive TransactionThe API token for this API Access Configuration can be used to process purchase, capture, and withdraw transaction types.
4AdminThe API token for this API Access Configuration can be used to process refund and reverse transaction types.

Transaction Processing restrictions inherit the restrictions levels below them. As an example, a API Access Configuration with level 3 Positive Transaction processing capabilities, can also be used to process level 2 Auth transactions.

Configuring your API permissions screen

Recommended API access restrictions settings

The following are the recommended API access restrictions for your API Access Configuration.


Suggested Restrictions

Helcim API

General: Read & Write Settings: Read & Write Transaction Processing: Admin


General: No access Settings: No access Transaction Processing: Positive Transaction

Smart Terminal API

General: Read Settings: Read Transaction Processing: Admin

Legacy API access

In July 2023, Helcim released our V2 API and deprecated our legacy V1 API. Merchants with existing legacy API Access Configurations will find these under the "Legacy API Access" section in their API Access Configurations page.

We are no longer making enhancements to the legacy API or testing for breaking changes. Bug fixes will be limited to high severity issues that impact processing.

We encourage all merchants to integrate with the V2 API for the best experience with their integration, however legacy API documentation can be viewed by toggling to V1.0 in the top left corner of this developer documentation.