Customization options

Through your HelcimPay.js initialize request, you can control a range of styling and display elements for the payment modal that is rendered.

Configuring your payment modal custom styling

By passing an optional customStyling object, you can control a range of styling settings for your HelcimPay.js payment modal, including:

  • Whether the modal utilizes light theme, dark theme, or the customers system default theme.
  • Whether the modal displays key elements with your chosen brand colour.
  • What corner radius elements within the modal are displayed with.
  • What text is displayed on your payment button.
appearancestringSpecifies the theme of the HelcimPay.js modal, accepting string values for dark, light, or system. Will default to a light theme if not specified.
brandColorstringSpecifies the primary brand color of the HelcimPay.js modal, accepting a string value of a 3 or 6 character hex code without the # symbol.
cornerRadiusstringSpecifies the corner radius for elements within the HelcimPay.js modal, accepting a string value of pill, rectangular, or rounded. Will default to rounded if not specified.

Basic rounded border radius sizes are 5px for buttons, 10px for modals/containers, and 24px for the mobile header. For pill it becomes 16px, 24px, 24px. For rectangular it becomes 2px, 5px, 5px.
ctaButtonTextstringOverrides the text displayed in your payment button, accepting a string value of book, buy, checkout, donate, order, pay, or subscribe.

The button text for a paymentType of verify will always be "Save"

Through your customStyling object, you can pass any combination of parameters based on your preferences. Parameters not passed will revert to their default displays.

Standard HelcimPay.js modal using dark theme

Standard modal using dark theme

Standard HelcimPay.js modal using light theme

Standard modal using light theme

Selecting your payment modal confirmation screen style

By using the optional confirmationScreen parameter in your HelcimPay.js initialize request, you can determine whether payments display the new updated confirmation screen, or utilize the legacy toast message for payments.

confirmationScreenbooleanPassing a value of "true" will display the new confirmation screen style. Passing a value of "false", or passing no parameter, will default to the original toast message style for payment confirmations.

New HelcimPay.js confirmation screen

New HelcimPay.js confirmation screen

Original HelcimPay.js toast message

Original HelcimPay.js toast message