Managing payment details

Through HelcimPay.js you can determine whether payment details are displayed, set as default, or if payments are processed on a specific terminal.

Hide existing payment details

The default behaviour for the Helcim system when a payment is processed is to create a customer and invoice object, then tokenize and store the customers payment details within the customer object.

When an existing customerCode is passed to HelcimPay.js during initialization, any existing payment details for that customer are displayed in the modal by default to make the checkout process faster.

To disable this default display and require the customer to enter new payment information, you can pass a value of "1" for the hideExistingPaymentDetails parameter in your HelcimPay.js initialize request. Existing payment details and default payment selections will remain on the customer object, but will be hidden within the payment modal.

Set payment details as default for customer

If a customer is for the first time, their first payments of each payment method (Credit Card and ACH) will set the relevant payment details used as the default for display and processing when using that method in future.

HelcimPay.js can be used to add new credit card and ACH bank payment details for existing customers, by using the "verify" paymentType and passing a value of "1" for the setAsDefaultPaymentMethod parameter.

Setting new payment details as default results in:

  • The entered payment details being displayed as the default in HelcimPay.js for future checkout sessions that are initialized with that customers customerCode.
  • The default payment details entered being used for other automated Helcim payment tools, such as Recurring Payments.

Select a processing terminal for payment

Certain Helcim merchants may have more than one merchant account with Helcim, resulting in multiple processing terminals that are routed to unique bank accounts.

In the instance that your business with Helcim is configured in this manner, you can utilize the terminalId parameter for HelcimPay.js initialization requests to determine with processing terminal (and subsequently which bank account) your payments are processed on and then deposited into.

To retrieve your available processing terminals and their id values, you can use the Get card terminals endpoint in the Card Terminal API.