Processing with Helcim Fee Saver through HelcimPay

Before initializing your HelcimPay checkout session with Helcim Fee Saver you will need to enable this service at a global level within your Helcim account first. Follow the instructions below and save on your credit card processing through HelcimPay!

Confirm Invoicing is set to Credit Card and ACH

  1. Log in to your Helcim account
  2. Go to All Tools and then Settings
  3. Select ACH Bank Payment Settings under Payments and Plans
  4. Ensure Enable ACH Bank Payments is toggled on

Enable ACH Bank Payments

  1. Ensure ACH Bank Payment Tools has invoicing set to Credit Card and ACH Payment

ACH Banks Payment Tools

Toggle on Helcim Fee Saver

  1. Go to All Tools and then Settings
  2. Select Fee Saver Settings under Payments and Plans
  3. Toggle the Enable Fee Saver option on

Enable Fee Saver

Initialize HelcimPay with Fee Saver

With these settings enabled you're ready to start initializing HelcimPay with Fee Saver to save on your credit card processing. This is done by passing hasConvenienceFee = 1 in your initialize request.