Developer Test Accounts

You should test your integration and card transaction flows without submitting real authorizations to the card networks, as this can have a negative impact on your processing terminal and account.

If you have an existing Helcim account, or you're looking to try potential solutions to see if we're a good fit, then we recommend getting set up with a developer test account. A developer test account will allow you to test your integration to the Helcim API without impacting any production accounts or submitting real transactions through to the card networks.

In addition to allowing you to test your integration to the Helcim API, our developer test accounts also provide access to the developer tools available in the Helcim system and the full range of products and services available on our platform, including our no code options, the Helcim Online Checkout and Hosted Payment Pages.

Requesting a test account

In order to have a test account set up to test the Helcim API, HelcimPay.js, or Helcim.js, then please connect with [email protected] with your request and confirmation of your existing Helcim merchant ID number and we would be happy to guide you through the process of getting a test environment up and running.

Developer test accounts are not required to test processing for the Helcim Payments plugin for WooCommerce. For support with our WooCommerce payments plugin please visit Helcim Learning Center or connect with our support team on [email protected].


New Helcim merchants

Please note that being provided with a developer test account is not confirmation that a new merchant to Helcim would be approved for processing, and all businesses will go through a verification process when registering for any production Helcim account.

We recommend reading our Acceptable Use Policy for more information on restricted industries and business types in advance of integrating to the Helcim API.